Basmah Qazi
Home & Garden

4 ways to storm-proof your home

Australia is no stranger to extreme weather. One minute we’re dealing with extreme temperatures, the other we’re facing floods and terrifying storms.

With winter well and truly on its way, it’s important to be prepared as storm season approaches. Speaking to Better Homes and Gardens, Stuart Tucker, Hipages Chief Customer Officer said that the worst affected parts of the home during storms are roofs, garages, doors and windows.

In order to reduce the risk of injury or damages, Stuart recommends the following:

1. Check your roof to see if there’s any existing damage

The roof is the first place to get hit during a severe storm, so make sure you get your roof inspected regularly for signs of damage. That way, you will know if it’s securely attached to the structure of your home, and if there are any loose tiles waiting to fall off.

2. Protect windows and doors

“A common issue during storms is damage to glass windows and doors, allowing strong winds to enter the home and stir wind tunnels which can cause walls and roofs to fail. Strengthen your windows and doors by using shutters, awnings or insect resistant screens. When installing garage doors, ensure that you choose those that are adequately wind and debris rated,” says Stuart.

3. Prepare your guttering

Storms can wreak all sorts of havoc on the guttering of your homes, which is why it’s important to make sure your guttering installer uses screws instead of nails during installation. Be sure to check if there’s any blockages also, as water can then overflow into your roof if the pipes aren’t clear.

4. Secure all furnishings inside the home

“While additions like porches, patios, carports and outdoor furniture liven up your home, they can become a liability in a storm, so consider hiring a builder that knows how to adequately attach them to the home securely so that they don’t rip off and cause severe amounts of damage in extreme weather. The same applies for any trees and plants around your property,” Stuart told Better Homes and Gardens.

Do you have any tips when it comes to storm-proofing your home? Let us know in the comments below.

storm, weather, winter, rain