Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

11 surprising uses for aluminium foil

Aluminium foil is a kitchen necessity but this item’s metallic structure also makes it useful for other tasks around the house. Here are 11 surprising times aluminium foil can come in handy for.

1. Line cabinets and drawers

Aluminium foil is easy to clean with a damp sponge and will also help reflect light in a cabinet’s dark corners.

2. Scare birds away

If you have a fruit tree in your garden that birds like to feast on, aluminium can solve your problem. Simply hang up strips of aluminium foil in your tree and it will scare the birds away.

3. Polish silverware

Line a plastic bin with aluminium foil with the shiny side up and place your silverware inside the bin. Pour in ¼ cup of washing soda and fill the bin with boiling water. Stir and let soak for 10 minutes. This trick causes a chemical reaction that will transfer the tarnish on your silverware to the foil.

4. Clean the BBQ

A ball of foil will speed up the process of getting rid of the gunk on a BBQ.

5. Protect baking

If you ever fear you will burn the crust of an apple pie then you can cover the edges with a ring cut out of aluminium foil which will stop the crust from getting too brown.

6. Protect a credit card

If you have a credit card which allows you to make wireless transactions (e.g. PayPass) it is possible for con artists to scan it and collect a certain amount of information through your wallet. The risk of it occurring is very low but if the thought makes you uneasy, you can wrap your card in a piece of aluminium foil to deflect the scanner.   

7. Scrub dishes

Similar to steel wool, a ball of aluminium foil can assist you in cleaning cookware such as casserole dishes or cast-iron frying pans.

8. Iron clothes faster

To remove wrinkles a bit faster, place a sheet of aluminium foil under your ironing boards as aluminium foil reflects heat.

9. Move heavy furniture

Wrap the feet of your couch in a few layers of heavy duty aluminium foil to help scoot it across carpet. Don’t use this trick on delicate surfaces or furniture, however, in case the foil scratches.

10. Make a funnel

If you ever need a makeshift funnel, simply fold aluminium foil into a cone.

11. Soften hard sugar

Sometimes it can be difficult trying to get a tablespoon of sugar when it has gone hard. To soften sugar, wrap it in a piece of aluminium foil and put it in the oven for five minutes.

To find your home essentials head to the Over60 Shop for high-quality offerings.

home, shop, over60, Uses, Aluminium foil, suprising