Melody Teh
Food & Wine

UK Mother’s Day ad sparks outrage over scones

A Mother’s Day ad in the UK featuring scones has caused a heated debate about whether the cream or jam comes first when preparing scones.

Cornish National Trust property Lanhydrock House and Garden shared on Facebook a picture of a trio of delicious scones with dollops of thick cream topped with jam.

But if you’re from Cornwall, you’ll know jam always come first. Always.

Devonians do it the other way around, which is why Cornish folks take fierce pride in their way of preparing scones.  

The comments were scathing.

"Oh my! Not often something riles me to comment but come on Lanhydrock this is unacceptable..... I can let the scone (own) scone (gone) argument go at times but as a top Cornish destination you should know tis jam first! Tint right, tint proper," a woman commented.

"What you’re in Cornwall and you show the Devonshire way to have a scone n cream!!!! That's enough to make me cancel my membership!" threatened another.

An official British expert explained why the scone debate became so heated.

"In the UK, your scone dressing preference depends on where you're from," she said.

"The two key areas for cream teas are Cornwall and Devon and they differ on the best method which is why it's always been such a debate."

"A Cornish cream tea will do jam then cream, Devonians do it the other way around, but technically the Devon cream tea doesn't actually exist."

The National Trust was forced to issue another Facebook post and apologise for the error after the backlash.

"We'd like to sincerely apologise for any offence caused by a recent scone-shot shown on the page," the page wrote. "The member of staff responsible has been reprimanded and marched back over the Tamar. We'd like to reassure our Cornish community that our catering team would never make such a heinous mistake and that our jam and cream are usually served in little pots so the order of their application is not subject to such appalling error. Rest assured, your mothers are safe here."

How do you like your scones? Jam or cream first? Let u know in the comments below.

food & wine, jam, Scones, cream, Cornwall, Devon