Michelle Reed
Food & Wine

Stuffed artichokes

This southern Italian classic is a great way to spruce up your artichokes.



1. Cut the pointed tips of the leaves and trim off stems so artichokes can sit on a flat surface. Wash the artichokes, peeling off any outer leaves that look tough. Cut the tops of artichokes so they are flat across.

2. Combine breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, oregano, cheese and two tablespoons of vegetable oil together in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper; mix well.

3. Gently pry open artichoke leaves from the middle so there’s space to stuff the mixture in. Press around half cup of mixture into each artichoke or until fully stuffed.

4. Place artichokes on the in large heavy saucepan. Add water half way up artichokes and add remaining three tablespoons vegetable oil. Place on stove and bring to boil over high heat; reduce heat to low. Simmer covered for one hour or until leaves pull out easily.

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food and wine, recipes, food, artichokes