Food & Wine

Full of goodness: Papaya chia oat breakfast parfait

These parfaits are super easy to pull together, and are full of the goodness of papaya, oats and chia seeds. The combination is packed with flavour, vitamins and fibre, and will keep you satisfied for hours.


Oat Layer

Papaya Layer

Papaya Chia Layer


  1. Mix all the ingredients for the oat layer well. Allow to soak for 30 minutes or overnight. Add more liquid as required when ready to serve.
  2. Mix all ingredients for the papaya chia later in a jar and place in the fridge for 30 minutes or overnight to swell. Add additional liquid as required prior to serving.
  3. Layer compote in desired pattern.
  4. Sprinkle with muesli, nuts or seeds to serve if desired.

Photo and recipe by Jo Ross, Healthy Eating Jo.

Food & wine, recipes