Food & Wine

“Good news!”: Meghan Gale shares exciting news with fiancé Shaun Hampson

Model Meghan Gale and her former AFL fiancé Sean Hampson have shared some exciting news via Instagram.

The couple announced that they were re-opening their café in Melbourne after it initially closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

They were forced to close down Ascot Food + Wine due to restrictions placed on restaurants and cafes two and a half months ago.


“So it was probably about two and a half months ago where we jumped on and thanked everyone for their support of Ascot Food + Wine during those crazy COVID times,” explained Gale.

“We ended up closing our doors like a lot of cafés, but as of tomorrow...”

“... We're reopening!' Hampson quickly interrupted, before adding: “We are looking forward to getting back to it.”

The pair quickly reassured future customers that their health and safety were their “absolute priority”.

The pair opened the café with their chef friend Dave Stewart back in December 2017.

cafe, family, pandemic, restaurant, covid, coronavirus