Ben Squires
Food & Wine

7 essential items for a summer picnic

Summer’s here, which means we’ve just entered peak picnic season! But, as with anything in life, the most successful picnics are always the ones where you’ve planned ahead and haven’t forgotten anything. We’ve put together a list containing seven essential items for every summer picnic. Follow this simple guide to summer picnics and you’ll be picnicking like a pro in no time at all.

1. Picnic blanket

Arguably the most important element of this event (we’ll touch on this later), a picnic without a picnic blanket is really just eating your lunch in a swarm of ants. Protect yourself from bugs, damp grass and the perplexed looks of confused onlookers by remembering to take a picnic blanket to your next picnic.

2. Sunscreen

Australia isn’t the skin cancer capital of the world for no reason, so when you’re heading to your summer picnic don’t forget to slip, slop, slap. A little bit of sunscreen can make a big difference, so bring it along to your next picnic and avoid sunburn – just don’t mistake it for mayonnaise.

3. Mosquito repellent

Mosquito repellent is a great way of making sure you aren’t getting bitten by mossies and they’ll generally be out in force when it comes to Australian summers. Do a little bit of planning ahead and make sure you’ve got some repellent.

4. Disposable glasses, plates and cutlery

You might be outside by that doesn’t give you an excuse to eat like animals. Make sure you’ve got some picnic wear or even better some disposal glasses, plates and cutlery that can make clean up an absolute breeze. Just make sure you follow park rules and dispose of these materials ethically.

5. Mini chairs

Sitting down on the ground with legs crossed is for kindergarteners and yogis, but not for you! Bringing some mini chairs along to the picnic can make the experience considerably more comfortable a can save you from a bit of a back ache at the end of your glorious day out in the sun.

6. Resealable containers

Just because you’ve bought a huge feast doesn’t mean you have to eat it all at the one time. If you bring some resealable containers along to the picnic you don’t have to worry about having food left over and you’ll be able to take whatever you don’t eat home to enjoy at a later date.

7. Food

Because it’s technically not a picnic if you don’t bring any food. If you’ve been tasked with bringing one of the dishes you’re probably not going to the most popular person when you tell them you’ve forgotten the caramel slice. A picnic attendee does not have many responsibilities, generally speaking but bringing food to the picnic is definitely one of them.


advice, lifestyle, food & wine, Picnic