Claudia Byatt
Food & Wine

Big changes for Bunnings Warehouse snags

There’s nothing quite like a weekend shop at Bunnings, largely because it means there’ll be a fresh snag waiting for you post-shop, and with the hardware store’s latest announcement, it will be even easier to get your hands on one.

Bunnings Warehouse has announced it is rolling out mobile payment options for customers who aren’t carrying cash or coins on them.

Until now, most Bunnings sausage sizzles largely relied on cash payments, at the discretion of each community group that hosts their sausage sizzle, but the cardless concept proved difficult in a largely cashless economy.

The Bunnings website states, "Not-for-profit organisations are able to book a sizzle with their local store - they need to bring volunteers and adequate supplies and Bunnings helps with the rest.”

"The rest" being the addition of free mobile payment facilities.

"We offer a free mobile payment option to community groups fundraising through sausage sizzles at our stores, providing an easy way for them to maximise fundraising and offering customers a cashless way to pay for their snag and support their local community group," said Bunnings General Manager Operations Matt Tyler in a statement.

There will be no additional cost to customers or community groups, who previously had to bring their own EFT machine if they wanted to pay by card.

Bunnings Warehouse will be incurring all the transaction fees to ensure community groups get 100 per cent of all the money raised.

Image credit: Shutterstock / Instagram

Bunnings Warehouse, Sausage sizzle, Cashless, Card payment