Sahar Mourad
Family & Pets

Woman arrested in relation to dead children found in suitcases

A South Korean woman has been arrested a few weeks after children’s bodies were found in suitcases in New Zealand. 

The ​​42-year-old woman was arrested by local police following a request from NZ Police after the harrowing discovery. 

Two children’s bodies were discovered in suitcases by an Auckland family who purchased the bags at an auction on August 11.

An investigation launched into the shocking find with NZ Police saying the children may have been dead for years and finding a connection - possibly the children’s mother - in South Korea. 

"South Korean authorities arrested the woman today on a Korean arrest warrant pursuant to two charges of murder relating to the two young victims," Detective Inspector Tofilau Faamanuia Vaaelua said.

"The arrest warrant was issued by the Korean Courts as a result of a request by NZ Police for an arrest warrant under the extradition treaty between New Zealand and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

“NZ Police have applied to have her extradited back to New Zealand to face the charges and have requested she remain in custody whilst awaiting the completion of the extradition process.”

A statement issued also thanked South Korean authorities for their assistance and coordination with NZ Police. 

No further information will be revealed as the case is now in front of the courts. 

News of the children’s bodies in the suitcases made headlines around the world with police scrambling to piece together evidence of what happened. 

At the time, Detective Inspector Vaaelua suggested that the children were aged 10 and five respectively when they died four years ago.

He also said the family who purchased the property where the suitcases were found are not involved in the deaths and have asked for privacy.

Image: Newshub

South Korea, New Zealand, bodies in suitcases, arrest