Family & Pets

"Scarily good": Parents in shock at kid's Halloween costume

USA father Greg Dietzenbach, a creative director at an advertising and marketing agency, has a reputation for creative and hilarious Halloween costumes for his children in his neighbourhood.

This year proved no exception, as he decided to take some modern inspiration and created the "Zoom scaries".

"My kids challenge me every year to make a unique costume. Building a 'Transformers' sock robot for my son almost broke my brain... another year [my daughter] went as our neighbors' doors. So, this year I wanted to make it a lot simpler."

He created the Zoom interface, with other people attending the meeting, for his 12-year-old daughter Ava's costume.

The Zoom interface has nine spooky participants, including photos of Ava dressed as the Invisible Man, Wolf Man, Frankenstein, Dracula, a Mummy, Blair With and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. The eighth participant is Ava herself, poking her head out of the costume through a cutout.

Dietzenbach recreated the Zoom interface with subtly spooky changes -- replacing "End Meeting for All" with "End Life" and "Share Screen" with "Share Scream" and of course -- "666 Participants."

"The best part of this costume creation was the photoshoot I had with my daughter," Dietzenbach said of the seven monsters/meeting attendees his daughter transformed into.

"We were laughing the whole time as we tried to make all the monster faces."

"Halloween was one of my favourite holidays when I was a kid and I'm happy to share my love of Halloween with my kids," Dietzenbach said.

"2020 has been tough, it's nice to know we'll be giving some joy to others (at a safe distance of course)."

Photo credit: Honey

family, design, costumes, computer, halloween, technology