Family & Pets

NSW implements strict new laws when it comes to giving away or selling animals

Cats and dogs being sold or given away in NSW must include an identification number under new laws that were introduced on July 1.

Any advertisement for the animals must include the number, which will help buyers find out more information about the animal before purchasing.

The identification number can be a microchip number, a breeder identification number or a rehoming organisation number.

"A microchip number search will provide you with information about what the owner has recorded as the breed, sex and age of the cat or dog, whether it is desexed and whether or not it is already registered," the Animal Welfare League NSW website reads.

A breeder number search will display any record of business names so buyers can do their research as to where the animal came from.

From July 1, people looking to purchase an animal can search the identification number provided with an advertisement at the NSW pet registry website to confirm the number is valid.

The new law applies regardless of whether the animal is being sold or given away for free. It also applies irrespectively of the age of the animal, the place it’s advertised and whether or not the animal has been born yet. 

There is already a law in NSW that requires all animals to be microchipped before changing hands, but these additional measures are now compulsory. Failure to comply could see sellers slapped with a maximum $5,500 fine.

dogs, animals, NSW, NSW law, giving away, giving away animals, free home