Family & Pets

Mum's hack to avoid nagging her children goes viral

A mum has gotten sick of nagging her children to pick up after themselves and has decided to use a meme to get her point across.

The clever parent printed off a meme of an angry looking face and leaves it next to the offending item, which can be socks left haphazardly in the house or not replacing the toilet roll after it's been used.

"Sick of the sound of your own voice? This is my new strategy!" the parent posted on Facebook group Mum Junkie.

The post has been a hit with parents, racking up more than 3,000 comments and being shared 4,000 times.

"Think I might use this with my grown up children who do not know how to clean up after themselves," one woman commented.

"Love it," said another enthusiastically. "I think i will have to do this too."

"Omg we have to do this with the kids!" laughed another, tagging her partner. "I fear we will spend most of our time placing them around the house tho."

Others were quick to point out it wouldn't work in their house.

"I'll end up slipping on the damned piece of paper on the floor," joked another, with one woman declaring "there is not enough paper in the world."

hacks, cleaning, parenting, mum