Family & Pets

Faux paws pet owners make. Are you guilty?

When we’ve done certain things for a long time, we tend to think it’s the right way. That’s not necessarily the case though: are you guilty of any of these common mistakes pet owners make?

Letting your pooch walk you

Dogs who are used to being the one who leads the walk is one of the leading causes for pet-related falls. Each year, the emergency room attends to owners who have been tripped, pushed or pulled by their dogs out on walks. A well-trained and obedient dog is less likely to take off mid-walk. 

Not de-sexing your pet

Despite the fact the RSPCA take in around 160,000 animal nationally from unplanned breeding, many people are still reluctant to spay or neuter their pets. De-sexing pets is the healthiest and best choice for them. It reduces aggressive behaviours in male animals that will be less likely to run away, mark their territory or attack other animals. It also lessens the risk of cancers in animals. 

Related link: Why you should de-sex your pet

Keeping the food bowl full

Don’t keep re-filling the food bowl every time it looks low. Pets often eat more than they need and if food is constantly available, they’ll keep eating. With the rise of obesity in pets, it’s best to follow the suggestions on the food label or ask your vet.

Not providing enough exercise

Just like humans, pets need their daily exercise to stay healthy. For dogs, at least half-hour each day is recommended and playing with your cats will keep them sharp and nimble.

Scolding pets for accidents

If your furry friend has eaten food you’ve prepared for dinner or urinated on the floor, you may feel like scolding them like they’re a child but your pet won’t understand why you’re scolding them. They can’t understand it’s for actions done in the past so it’s better to praise them when they’ve done something right.

Letting dogs eat anything

Dogs may have a penchant for rifling through the trash for some leftovers but spoiled food is no healthier for your pet than it is for you. Food gone bad can cause food poisoning, irritation and vomiting. 

Having no emergency plan

For whatever reason an emergency forces you to evacuate your home, you need a plan for yourself as well as your pets. It’s a good idea to have thought out where they are going to stay (relatives, friends, pet-friendly shelters) so you know what to do in an emergency.

Related links:

Natural ways to prevent fleas

How to help your pet conquer their phobias

How to create pet-friendly spaces

tips, pets, Guide