Ben Squires
Family & Pets

How to keep your pets cool in the heat

Now that the weather is warm, extra precautions in the sun are necessary not just for yourself, but for your furry companion. Try these useful tips to help keep Fido and Fluffy safe and cool in the heat all summer long.

Give them a trim – If your pet has long hair, consider grooming them seasonally, as shorter hair makes a big difference in their overall temperature.

Keep water handy – If you leave the house with your pet, always be sure to have water on you as well as a receptacle from which they can drink to keep your pet cool and hydrated. You can even set up a kiddy pool in your backyard for your dog to play in.

Look for shade – If you’re out with your dog midday, try to avoid direct sunlight by locating a shady area for a rest.

Follow their lead – If you dog or cat seems most content to stay indoors and enjoy the air conditioning, let them. They can tell if it’s too hot outside for them.

Time it right – Avoid going out midday when possible, and take your dog for walks during the mornings and evenings instead.

Never leave them in the car – Many animals die every year because irresponsible owners leave them in a car, leading to over-heating. Even if the day seems moderate in temperature, a car can still heat up drastically due to solar heat beaming in through the windows. If you’ll be leaving your car alone, leave your pet at home.

Act according to breed – If your pet has a flat-shaped face, such as a pug or Persian cat, they are especially susceptible to the heat as they are unable to cool down through panting as effectively as other breeds can. If in doubt, bring them inside where it is cooler.

Image credit: Shutterstock

tips, pets, lifestyle