Alex O'Brien
Family & Pets

How to help your grandchild love learning

As grandparents we know the value of a good education for children. So if you want to get involved with the education of your grandkids, there are lots of options.

Spend time together

Giving quality time to your grandchildren is so valuable. Children learn through play, so get down on their level and play with the cars or Lego, take them to the playground to explore the slide and swings, get in the kitchen to bake biscuits or make some play dough. Each experience with your grandchild will encourage them to be inquisitive and ask questions, which is a great skill to have when they start school. 

Read to them

From day one, children benefit from being read to. Little ones find it very soothing, and it teaches them about speech and sounds. Have some books at your house that you can sit down with together when they visit, or let them choose their favourites from their own bookshelf to share with you. You can also listen to your school aged grandchildren read, as they will be bringing home their reader each night. 

Get involved at school

It’s not just the parents who can step up and help out at the school – grandparents are always welcome too. You could volunteer for reading with the children, helping out as an extra set of hands for an excursion, or just being one of the people that drops off or picks up the child from school on a regular basis. Some help with preparing costumes for book week is always appreciated too.

Attend their events

Just being there for your grandchildren shows how much you value what they are doing at school. Supporting them at swimming or athletics carnivals, attending school plays or awards nights, and being on the sidelines for weekend sport is a great way to get involved.

What do you do in order to get involved with your grandchild’s education? We would love to hear your ideas in the comments section below.

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family, education, learning, grandparenting, Children