Family & Pets

Why friendships are important in your 60s

As we age, many people find themselves with shrinking social circles but maintaining social connections in our sixties and beyond is as important as ever.

Why we need friends

Friendships are an important part of life and are one of the keys to happiness. A recent study found that loneliness is twice as unhealthy as obesity in older people.  Humans are by nature social creatures and we need to feel involved and valued by people around us. We need company and as with any relationship, friendships bring support, joy and happiness to our lives. Numerous studies have measured the health benefits of friendships finding that it helps us feel less stressed, make better decisions, keep our memory strong and lengthen our life span, especially during illnesses.

You’re not alone

While there are lifelong buddies, most people need to “restock” their supply of friendships every seven years. Friendships change as a result of life transitions: when you move, when you marry, when you have kids, when you divorce, when you retire, when you become widowed and so on. Sometimes people recognise that some friends are toxic or some friendships just inevitably fade. No matter what your situation, you are not alone if you’re looking for new friendships.

The reason stay the same

Since there isn’t an official friendship-courting ritual like dating, it can be confusing and embarrassing seeking out friends. Making friends tends to be focused on children but it seems to be the older we get, the harder it is to make new friends. Luckily, whether you’re six, 16, or 66 the reasons for needing and selecting friends remain fairly constant throughout our lives. So if you break it down, it really isn’t any different to the playground.

• We like them

• We deem them “good”

• We share similar interest

• We care and want the best for each other

How to find friends

It all start with you! You need to be proactive so start by accepting any and all invitations (as well as making a few invitations yourself). Pursue your interests by joining a hobby group (dance class, book club, educational course), a proven way of finding friends. There are many seniors clubs like Probus where you’ll have the opportunity to meet plenty of like-minded people. Volunteer in the community or at church. Take a fresh look at your neighbours, co-workers, gym friends or whoever else. Invite them to have a coffee. Reinvigorate friendships that may have lapsed or faded. Reconnect with people through social media. Unfortunately, there is no simple fix so keep trying and try different things. 

Related link: Making friends at any age

Extend the invitation

Contrary to popular belief, most people don’t have all the friends they need. Many people would welcome an invite to a coffee, group or event. If you are blessed with a strong friendship circle, why not invite one more person into your fold? Be inclusive, after all – us over-60s have to stick together!

Related links:

How to use social media to make new friends

Advice on reconnecting with a family member or friend

3 easy ways to connect with friends and family on Facebook

family, friends