Danielle McCarthy
Family & Pets

10 pearls of wisdom to pass on to your grandchildren

To live a life with no regrets it the ultimate goal, and sometimes, we wish we could go back in time and tell ourselves important information or life-changing advice. While sadly, that’s not possible, we can do the next best thing – pass our wisdom on to the next generations.

Earlier this year, we posed a question to the Over60 community – if you could give your grandchildren one piece of advice to live by, what would it be? The response blew us away! Out of the hundreds of replies, here are a few of our favourites.

1. Stay in school

“Put a big effort into your schooling. So many things in life can be great if you have a good start, other things come from that. With the choices, you are able to make instead of others making them for you, all this will put you on the path to happiness later in life.” – Pamela Wicks.

2. Follow your heart

“Listen to your heart and follow the old saying, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!’” – Cheryl Ayers.

3. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

“Show respect to yourself, others, and to other people’s property. Treat other people how you would like to be treated. Bullies only need to bully other people because they don't feel as good.” – Margaret Longstaff Pomerenke.

4. Put family first

“Family is everything. There will be a lot of times when you might not see this yourself or understand it, but in the end, family is EVERYTHING!” – Felicity Weston.

5. Be adventurous

“Don't be afraid to try new things. It's okay to fail as long as you keep trying to succeed.” – Rosemary Griffin.

6. Learn from your mistakes

“We all make bad decisions – forgive yourself and learn and grow from them.” – Julie Walker.

7. Choose your friends wisely

“Surround yourself with positive people. Better to have one good friend who’s got your back than a heap who are only out for what they can use you for.” – Mary Palmer.

8. Watch what you say

“Choice your words carefully once they are out they can’t be taken back. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” – Elaine Olive.

9. Show compassion to the less fortunate

“Life’s path has a lot of puddles to jump. Always be kind to those stuck in the puddles.” – Gregory J. Kearney.

10. Focus on the big picture

“Don't stress the small stuff. Enjoy every day on Earth, time goes fast.” – Pam Saville.

Tell us in the comments below, what piece of advice would you offer to your grandchildren?

grandchildren, over60, Wisdom, pass, on