Family & Pets

“I think adopting a pet is the only option. Here’s why.”

Over60 community member, Maggie Hill, 72, from Whalan, New South Wales, shares the reasons why she always chooses to adopt pets rather than buying… and why you should consider it too.

“My husband and I have always adopted from a rescue organisations as we found they make the most loyal pets – and the more we can save the better. My dad taught me that if you take a dog in need and give him a bed and a feed, you have a friend for life. He was right.

Of course, everybody is different, but I found out the hard way that I needed a dog. My 16-year-old Maltese, who I had since she was six weeks old, died on her birthday last December. It was very hard but I know she is now in peace as she had a few problems later in life. I swore I would never have another one but I was miserable. I started looking on the internet but we agreed we were too old for a puppy and there are so many older dogs who have been abandoned for one reason or another. That’s when I saw Tara – she is approximately seven years old and we don’t know her history but I reckon I have another seven years left in me.

I have had Tara for two weeks and she sits beside me now as I write. We have bonded beautifully, too much for my husband's liking as she squeaks when she can't see me. I am enjoying the nightly walks and must admit she is so pretty that she attracts a lot of attention, which is nice.

As to whether I would recommend over-60s adopt a pet, it is a hard question to answer. As I said before everyone is different and it is a responsibility to carefully consider so take your time. If you see an animal you like, get your name down fast. Ask if anyone else has already registered. Try to meet the animal a couple of times (we saw Tara twice and played with her). If you have other animals or young children in your home, if possible take them with you to meet the rescue. But I think the reason why anyone should adopt a pet is pretty obvious. Last night, Tara jumped on my footstool, walked up my legs and gave me kisses. It was just wonderful. So if you have been thinking about adopting the only thing to say is: DO IT.”

Do you have a story about your pets to share? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with our editorial team at

Related links:

6 reasons to adopt a senior pet

The other side to greyhounds

The joys of fostering pets

pets, adopt