Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

6 ways to make your perfume last longer

It’s very disheartening when you feel that your favourite scent is lacking the oomph it had when your first fell in love with it in-store. The good news is it may not be the fragrance losing its touch after all, it could be how you’re using it.

Have a gander at our six tips to make your perfume last longer than you thought it could.

1. Don’t store perfume in the bathroom (or other damp, warm places)

Heat, light, and humidity will break down the perfume and lessen the quality of the fragrance. Store them away from your vanity, windows or other damp and warm places and instead put them neatly on display.

2. Rub Vaseline on your pulse points

Where do you wear your perfume? It should be on your pulse points, and if you rub Vaseline in these spots first, it will hold the fragrance to your skin longer. Focus on not only the wrists and neck, but inside your elbows, behind your knees and on your calves and ankles.

3. Don’t dab the fragrance on your wrists

If you rub your wrists together after spraying your scent, you'll force the top notes to disappear faster than intended and as a result, your fragrance will not last as long. 

4. Spray your perfume right after taking a shower

The moisture on your skin will help lock in the scent. This will also prevent the fragrance from staining delicate clothes or jewellery. 

5. Spray the fragrance onto your hairbrush

Spraying an alcohol-based fragrance directly onto your hair will dry it out, so instead spray the fragrance on your brush before running it through your hair. Your hair will be lightly scented, undamaged, and will hold the fragrance longer.

6. Pack top ops

Spray cotton swabs with your perfume and hide them in sandwich bags inside your handbag for quick touch-ups throughout the day. It's much easier to carry cotton swabs in your purse than an entire perfume bottle.

Do you have a fragrance related tip to share with us? Let us know in the comments below.

Related links:

The dangerous mistake we all make with our perfume

Genius trick to make your perfume last all day

5 Uses for cotton tips in your beauty routine

beauty, makeup, perfume, Fragrance, last