Melody Teh
Beauty & Style

Top 10 collagen boosting foods

We all know how good collagen is for keeping our skin firm. Chances are good your day or night cream probably contain it as an ingredient and if you have regular facials, it’s most likely integrated into the treatment somehow. While our body is constantly creating new collagen, the rate at which this happens starts to slow right down as we get older. Fortunately, along with your topical products, certain foods can help naturally boost collagen in the skin.

Here’s what to include on your plate to give your dermis a boost:

Fish – Packed with Omega-3, quality fish helps create stronger cells, which in turn support the structure of the skin.

Red fruit and veggies – Veggies like chilli, capsicum and beetroot and fruits like tomato contain lycopene, an antioxidant that acts as a natural sunblock, helping protect skin from UV rays while also boosting collagen.

Dark green veggies – Rich in vitamin C and high in antioxidants, veggies like kale, spinach and darker varieties of lettuce can help increase collagen production.

Orange veggies – Chowing down on carrots and sweet potato gives your body a hit of vitamin A, which restores and regenerates damaged collagen.

Berries – Low in sugar and delicious to boot, berries contain antioxidants which help eliminate free radicals and increase collagen levels.

Soy products – Whether it’s soy milk, cheese, yoghurt or even tofu, soy contains a hormone called genistein which helps boost collagen production and block enzymes that cause ageing.

White and green herbal teas – Sipping a cup of herbal tea can help support the structure of the skin and prevent collagen breakdown.

Citrus – Fruits like orange, lime and lemon not only contain high levels of vitamin C but they also have the ability to help convert amino acids to collagen.

Eggs – Protein rich foods in general are high in collagen, which can help boost the levels in your skin. Lean meat and nuts are also great for creating a healthy complexion.

Garlic – Not only useful for warding off cold and flu, garlic provides the body with sulfur that is necessary for collagen production.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Beauty & style, Foods, Naomi Cotterill