Michelle Reed
Beauty & Style

5 very good style tips from Trinny and Susannah

For over 15 years, Trinny Woodall and Susannah Constantine have been the ultimate makeover queens. Best known for their series What Not to Wear, the leading style gurus made it their mission to turn real, everyday women into stylish ladies with their practical, useful and sometimes harsh comments. With more than twenty years of fashion experience under their belt, and having dressed over 5,000 women in their career, we could all learn a lesson or two from these British fashionistas. From choosing clothes to flatter your body shape to how to repurpose old dresses, here we’ve collated Trinny and Susannah’s top style lessons for you.

1. How to wear nautical stripes  

2. How to disguise lumps and bumps with patterned dresses

3. Which trousers to choose to flatter your body shape

4. How to layer clothes

5. New ways to wear an old dress

Video credits: Trinny & Susannah TV 

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advice, beauty, fashion, style