Beauty & Style

Staying on your feet despite corns, calluses and cracked heels

Corns and calluses are skin that has toughened and thickened due to friction and pressure.

While corns maybe inflamed and occur on or between the toes, calluses typically grow in a large area on the balls of the feet or heels and don’t usually hurt.

Try these techniques to prevent common foot problems.

Wear supportive shoes

Look for footwear that’s made of leather, is breathable and allows sweat to escape – the less you sweat, the less dried out your feet will become. Opt for shoes with ample width and toeroom.

Practise good foot hygiene

This involves treating your feet to a bit of attention. Buff with a pumice stone and regularly moisturise.

Over-the-counter remedies

These are a good start in treating corns, cracked heels and calluses.

Corns: Salicylic acid treatments are available as medicated patches or liquid drops and work by softening the thickened layer of skin. Follow instructions carefully.

Cracked heel: As the skin on the soles of feet is about 2.5 times thicker than the skin on your face, use an intensive medicinal moisturiser that can penetrate the layers of tissue.

Calluses: Shoe inserts and heel pads, available at your pharmacy, will help prevent calluses by providing additional cushioning and stability.

When to see a doctor or podiatrist

Make an appointment if you have a callus or corn that is painful or inflamed, or deep cracks that start to bleed – these are all signs of infection.

This is vital if you have diabetes, poor circulation or impaired nerves in your feet.

Written by Michelle Villett. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.

feet, feet care, corns, calluses, cracked heels