Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

10 more ways to use Vaseline in your beauty routine

Here at Over60, we’re always on the lookout for new ways to get more bang for our buck, and one of the most budget-friendly and useful products out there has to be Vaseline. As we’ve demonstrated before, there are so many different ways to use that miracle tub.

1. Remove stains – Apply Vaseline to the stain using a damp cloth. Gently dab the stain and watch as it begins to disappear.

2. Save your favourite lipstick – If your favourite shade is running low, mix the last bit with some Vaseline, pop in the microwave for 10 to 20 seconds, and you’ll have the perfect lip gloss.

3. Make perfume last longer – To make your fragrance last all day long, apply some Vaseline to the areas you usually spray your perfume beforehand.

4. Remove makeup – Sometimes, makeup wipes simply don’t do the trick. If this happens, dip some cotton balls in Vaseline and apply to stubborn makeup.

5. Stop dye bleeding – If you dye your hair at home, stop it staining your forehead by applying Vaseline before you start.

6. Banish flyaways – Up-dos look great, but stray hairs always make even the sleekest bun or ponytail look messy. Use a bit of Vaseline to slick back those flyaways.

7. Remove a stuck ring – When you find yourself struggling with a ring stuck on your finger, add some Vaseline into the mix and it will slide right off.

8. Lush lashes – Don’t like the over-done look of mascara? Lightly coating your lashes with Vaseline will leave them looking darker and glossy, and is even rumoured to help them grow.

9. Stop nail polish drying shut – Ever go to do a self-manicure only to find you can’t open your bottle of varnish? Stop it drying shut again by spreading Vaseline around the inside of the lid.

10. Heal a sunburn – Prevent sunburnt skin from peeling by lathering it with Vaseline. This will lock in moisture and stop the skin drying out.

Have you tried any of these ingenious tricks? Let us know in the comment section below.

beauty, Routine, Uses, Vaseline, more