Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

6 tips to reduce sun spots on hands

As we age, our skin can start to show signs of sun damage. This is mostly on parts of the body that are regularly exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck and hands.

If you have sun spots on your hands, there are ways to reduce their appearance.

1. Prevention is always the ideal solution; so do remember to use suncream on your skin each day. This will prevent the skin becoming any more damaged.

2. Avoid attracting attention to your hands if you are self-conscious about them. That means reduce the bling such as oversized rings, and avoid dark nail polish as it draws the eye to the hands.

3. Aloe Vera has healing properties and can help reduce the appearance of sun spots. Break open the leaf and apply the gel directly to your hands. Allow to dry for half an hour and then rinse off.

4. Mix a tablespoon each of plain yoghurt and honey to form a cream which can lighten spots. Apply this to your hands and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing off.

5. Vitamin E oil can help fade the spots – just grab some capsules from the chemist and break open to use the oil. Rub it into your hands daily and wash off two hours later. You will notice that the spots will become lighter in time.

6. If you would like faster results, a trip to the dermatologist may help. They can use laser or light treatments to reduce the appearance of sun spots.

Related links:

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tips, beauty, skin, hands, sun spots