Alex O'Brien
Beauty & Style

Green tea key to healthy skin

By Erin Young, founder of boutique Australian tea company Zen Green Tea that specialises in premium matcha green tea powder. 

Every day, our bodies are subject to stresses from the environment – from foods we eat, sun exposure and just natural wear and tear. These stresses produce free radicals, which are known to damage healthy cells, by depleting them of oxygen and breaking down the levels of collagen. Collagen is essential to keep skin supple and looking young.

There is a type of green tea that offers incredible anti-ageing benefits both through drinking and applying it as a face mask. Matcha green tea is the whole tealeaf stone ground into a powder, which dissolves in water. As a result, you consume the whole tealeaf, so it has 137 times the antioxidants of a standard green tea bag.  This means that every time you drink a cup of matcha you are flooding your body with antioxidants that are combatting free radicals and removing these from your system, preventing them from damaging your skin cells helping to prevent cell degeneration and premature ageing.

Matcha can also be applied to the skin as a face mask which due to its strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the appearance of blemishes and also helps brighten skin.

Matcha face mask:

You can easily make a revitalising face mask with

Mix ingredients together and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, wash away the mask to reveal beautiful, bright and glowing skin.

You can buy matcha tea from the Zen Green Tea website.

Related links:

Inside a tea factory from the 1950s

21 popular food myths busted

Are herbal teas good for you?

health, anti-ageing, skin, Matcha, green tea