Charlotte Foster
Beauty & Style

Common retinol myth debunked by experts

Soaking up some Vitamin D (while protecting your skin with an SPF, of course) can often bring upon a change in our daily skincare routine.

As our skincare shelves undergo their spring clean, one thing will become clear: many of us will have fallen prey to a common misconception about a widely loved skincare ingredient - Retinol. 

The myth? You can't use Retinol in summer or when in the sun.

While this is false, there are a few facts to keep in mind when stepping out into the sunshine. 

Retinol does make our skin more sensitive to the sun, and thus more susceptible to sun damage. 

But that doesn't mean we have to move it to the back of our shelf for the next 6 months, as No7 Beauty Company's Head of Science Research, Dr Mike Bell, explains. 

“Generally, retinol should only be used at night time and followed by a night time moisturiser and an SPF day cream in the morning, even if it is a retinol-free night.”

He then goes on to explain how we can carefully choose skincare ingredients to help us in using retinol in summer. 

“Excellent complementary ingredients can either work alongside retinol in enhancing the rejuvenating benefits, or by supporting skin's tolerance to retinol in the form of calming ingredients, or barrier strengthening ingredients.”

Some of the key ingredients Dr. Mike Bell references include Vitamin C, Bisabol, Niacinamide and Ceramides. 

He also explains that when using retinol, at any time of the year, you should avoid using physical and chemical exfoliants.

No7 has developed a top-tier range of Retinol products to help you continue on your Retinol journey in summer, to keep your skin looking youthful and rejuvenated. 

The No7 Pure Retinol 0.3% Night Concentrate is a perfect everyday product for the warmer months, while No7 1% Pure Retinol Night Concentrate is a stronger working retinol product, best for restoring radiance of retinol-using pros. 

Lastly, the No7 Pure Retinol Post Retinol Soother is a game-changing necessity for summer months, containing Niacinamide, Bisabolol and Ceramides to leave your skin feeling nourished and calm. 

The entire No7 range is available exclusively at Priceline

Image credits: Getty Images

beauty & style, skincare, myths, retinol