Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

7 reasons not to throw away laddered stockings

If you’ve got a pair of stockings that are laddered or just not your colour, don’t throw them away. There are so many uses for stockings that you may not have known about.

1. Look after your pumpkins

If you’re growing heavy vegetables like watermelon or pumpkin the weight of them can end up pulling the whole plant over. Once they start to grow, wrap them in a stocking and secure this to a stake next to the plant to give them some support.

2. Check your sanding

If you are sanding down some wooden furniture, you can check the smoothness using a stocking placed over your hand.

3. Make a soap scrubber

If you’ve got a few broken pieces of soap, or that last slither of the bar, pop it all inside the toe of a stocking. Keep it in the laundry and use it to scrub stained clothing before you wash it.

4. Locate an earring

Lost the back of your earring or the tiny screw from your glasses? Just pop a stocking over your vacuum cleaner and keep it in place with an elastic band. Then you can just vacuum in the area where you think it might be and you’ll soon have your little object stuck to the outside of the stocking.

5. Keep your pet’s brush clean

If your pet tends to shed their fur when you brush them, try this tip. Cut out a rectangle of stocking and push down firmly over the top of the pet brush until the bristles come through. Then after brushing you can simply remove the (fur covered) stocking and discard.

6. Keep onions fresher

If you often find your onions have gone bad before you got to use them all, it could be to do with the way they are stored. Try storing them in the leg of a stocking, with a knot between each. This allows air to circulate which means less mould on your veggies. Just cut the bottom onion off when you want to use it.

7. Store your spare doona

If you have a big pile of quilts and blankets to pack away, secure them with a pair of stockings. This will make the pile more manageable and you won’t end up in a mess with blankets falling out of the linen cupboard.

Have you got any clever uses for stockings that you would like to share?

Related links: 

8 surprising uses for used tea bags

10 surprising ways to use hairspray at home

How to make a Christmas stocking in 10 minutes

tips, recycle, style, reuse, stockings