Danielle McCarthy
Beauty & Style

5 everyday habits that are ageing your skin

You might already be doing your bit for your skin by applying sun cream in the day, and a quality night cream before bed. But there are lots of small things in between that you might be doing that could be ageing your skin prematurely.

1. Not washing off make up

Whether you go to sleep without washing your face, or only use a make-up removing wipe, it’s all bad news. Your skin needs to be squeaky clean before bed to give it a chance to breathe. The wipes are to remove make-up only, and can dehydrate the skin as well as leaving behind harsh chemicals.

2. Showering in super-hot water

It might feel good at the time, but hot water on the face can cause redness, irritation, dryness and removes the natural lubricant of oil on the skin. Try to keep it lukewarm for your face whether in the shower or at the sink.

3. Smoking and drinking

You know this of course, but both of these vices are adding years to your looks with little real benefit. Try to cut out or seriously restrict nicotine and alcohol if you want to look younger than your years (and be around to enjoy them).

4. Using face scrub every day

It may say on the bottle to use daily, but the exfoliating effects of a scrub can dry your skin out and cause irritation. Best saved to use once or twice a week, just use a non-abrasive wash on the other days.

5. Applying sun cream to the face only

We might think we are doing the right thing slapping on some sun cream or using make-up with sun cream in it. But if you’re only applying it to your face you are really missing a trick. The neck, chest, arms and hands all show signs of ageing on the skin quite quickly and need to be protected.

Are you guilty of any of these? Do you think you will change your skincare routine after reading this?

beauty, ageing, skin, habits, everyday