Alex O'Brien

4 reasons to keep silent more often

Often it’s not until we really stop and listen that we realise just how much noise we live with every day. Traffic, TV, people talking, phones beeping – noise is all around us. While we can mostly tune it out, it’s interesting to note that science tells us that silence is not only golden, but actually essential for a healthy lifestyle.

Build new brain cells

For mice in a 2013 study living in a noisy environment, two hours of silence each day helped them form new cells in the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions and memories.

Become more creative

During rest, our brain is still actively processing information received that day. When allowed to enjoy silence without interference, the brain opens up to new ideas and we become more creative.

Reduce stress

The stress hormone cortisol is present when we are exposed to constant noise. Silence on the other hand helps to reduce tension in the body and can aid relaxation. So instead of listening to music in order to relax, try sitting in complete silence instead, even for just a few minutes.

Solve problems and feel more motivated

We are able to think more clearly without excessive noise, meaning we can be more adept at solving problems or paying close attention. But if you live near a busy road, fear not – the brain can actually restore itself over time if given a chance.

How do you try to reduce the noise pollution in your life? We would love to hear your ideas.

Related links:

Why we dwell on the negative and how to stop

The secret to quieting a frazzled mind

5 wonderful things that happen when you start to believe in yourself

health, mind, Noise, Science, Silence