Danielle McCarthy

3 reasons why you should spend time on your own

In today’s hyper connected society, many of us look strangely upon those who choose to isolate themselves from others, whether it be for 15 minutes, of several days. While it can seem bewildering to many, time by oneself can foster critical thinking, inward reflection, and creativity. You may be terrified to let go of your tethers for a short while, but floating alone can have many benefits.

1. Discover your passions

Taking a time out from the cultural tidal wave that is the internet can help you get in touch with things that you enjoy for your own sake – not because they’ve been thrust upon you by friends and family. Diving headfirst into a strange new world just because you like the look of it can be spine-tinglingly good fun. Holding those special discoveries close to yourself can be just as wonderful – you’ve found something new that, for all you know, is just yours. Feel free to shout about it from the rooftops, but be ready for the deluge of opinions, arguments, and conversations doing so invites.

2. Rekindle romance

Time spent away from relationships can have the effect of amplifying affection as we meditate on the reasons we have chosen to spend our life with this person. Next time you find yourself alone, and get the urge to call, text, or email someone you love, try to instead spend time thinking about what it is that drew you to them in the first place. When you’re done, and you feel like you really must speak to them, try writing them a letter instead. It doesn’t have to be about the thoughts you just had, but that’s certainly not the worst idea there’s ever been.

3. Quiet the discourse

Raise your hand if you have ever felt bombarded by political messaging in any kind of social setting – whether it’s online or in real life. If you don’t have your hand raised, you’re either not very honest, or you’re incredibly isolated already. With very few neutral media outlets left in the modern world, and with the creation of “alternative facts” now commonplace, being tuned in to discourse can be maddening. Shouting into the void that is social media, or arguing with your loved ones about political beliefs will achieve absolutely nothing. If you wish to affect change, then you need to become proactive about marching, protesting, and engaging your political representatives. Until such a time, however, try switching off the overtly political radio stations, and closing the biased news website. Let yourself absorb the world alone, and with empathy, and see what happens.

When was the last time you spent time with just yourself?

health, mind, time, Alone, why, spend