Danielle McCarthy

Why smart people prefer fewer friends

While we know that loneliness can be bad for our health, it seems that not everyone wants to be surrounded by a big group of friends. For those with a higher IQ, in fact, a smaller circle of friends is preferred.

In their study of wellbeing published in the British Journal of Psychology, researchers looked at what it is that makes people happy. Using a group of 15,000 people aged 18 to 28, they found that those living in more densely populated areas deemed themselves a being less satisfied with their quality of life. They then looked at the number of interactions the people had with their inner circle of friends, and it appeared that the more connections they made, the happier they reported being.

However there was a significant exception to this ‘more is better’ approach to friendship. For those with the highest IQs, the correlation went the other way – they were less likely to claim to be satisfied with their quality of life if they were interacting with their friendship group more often.

Does this sound familiar? Do you know some very smart people (or you may even be the smart one) who prefer to spend time on their own rather than being out and about with friends? It seems that for the super intelligent, spending time socialising can be seen as a missed opportunity to better oneself. Meaning that instead of going to a party or a film, they would prefer to spend time studying, reading, or partaking in activities that will help them achieve their own personal goals.

These are the people who would stay home to study when everyone else was going on a road trip for the weekend. The person who started their own business and spent every spare minute they had on it. They would even miss special occasions as they were so caught up in what they were doing that they didn’t notice the time.

So if you are on the receiving end of a ‘no thank you’ to your invitation to socialise from your high IQ pal, now you know not to take it personally. It’s not that they don’t see friendship as valuable and important, they just really value their own time and space to try and reach their goals.

Have you noticed that your highly intelligent friends tend to socialise less? Or are you the smart one that tends to pull away in order to focus on your own pursuits?

Image credits: Getty Images 

mind, friends, Social, Smart, people, less