Danielle McCarthy

What you can learn from Einstein’s quirky habits

When it comes to the geniuses of history, Albert Einstein is one of the greatest minds of our time. So when it comes to learning a thing or two from someone’s way of life, who better to look to than Einstein himself.

1. Get 10 hours of sleep a night

Yes, you did read that right - a whole 10 hours. Einstein reportedly got 10 hours sleep a day, which is a little more than most people average. But it looks like he was onto something. It is said that many of history’s great achievements, including the periodic table, the structure of DNA and Einstein’s theory of special relativity, were thought of while people were getting some shut-eye. Einstein theory on special relativity came to him while he was dreaming.

2. Go for daily walks

When the genius was working at Princeton University he would walk the nearly 2.5km there and back. This walking time was said to be sacred to him. Not just for fitness, there’s evidence to suggest that walking can boost memory, creativity and problem-solving. Have you ever found that a great idea has come to you while you’ve been out on a walk?

3. Eat spaghetti

Pasta lovers can rejoice at this one! While this one hasn't been verified by official sources, on a quick internet search you will find that it’s suggested that Einstein’s beautiful mind was fuelled by pasta. The truth in the spaghetti matter may just have legs, too, as carbohydrates are a great way to feed our energy-hungry brains - they consume 20 per cent of the body’s energy although only accounting for two per cent of our weight. To keep it in moderation, though, it’s recommended that you about 25g of carbohydrates per meal is good for you and double that can impair your thinking.

4. Smoke a pipe

We don't actually recommend you do this one at home. But it’s a nice thought to imagine Einstein with his pipe in his mouth coming up with some of the greatest discoveries of our time. Today we know the many health risks associated with smoking and that it’s not a health habit to form. However, Einstein was a pipe smoker - so much so that he was known around the university for the cloud of smoke that would follow him. He loved to smoke, believing it “contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs.”

5. Don't wear socks

As far as idiosyncrasies go, this one has to be one of our favourites. In a letter he wrote to his cousin and wife Elsa, he said: “When I was young, I found out that the big toe always ends up making a hole in a sock. So I stopped wearing socks”. Ah, isn't that a nice idea. Can you relate to it? After all don't you sometimes feel that you can’t think properly until you slip into something a little more comfortable? 

health, mind, habits, Albert Einstein, quirky