Georgia Dixon

8 things you should never say to someone with depression

Depression affects millions around the world, and chances are you know at least one person suffering from this debilitating mental health condition. It’s only natural to want to help them in any way you can, but there are some things that should never be said to a depressed person.

The Huffington Post has put together a list of eight things you should avoid saying, and eight things you should say instead.

  1. Don’t say, “You need to get help.” – Instead, say, “I’m worried about you. I love you and want to support you. How can I help?”
  2. Don’t say, “It can’t be THAT bad.” – Instead, ask, “How have you been feeling lately? Is it worse at some times than others?”
  3. Don’t say, “How much longer until you’re better?” – Instead, ask, “How are you feeling?”
  4. Don’t say, “Why don’t you just get off the couch and go for a walk, or watch a happy movie?” – Instead, ask, “Would you join me for a short walk?”
  5. Don’t say, “How could this happen to you?” – Instead, say, “I am here for you. You are not alone in this.”
  6. Don’t say, “You’re so negative.” – Instead, say, “It won’t be like this forever.”
  7. Don’t say, “You shouldn’t feel that way.” – Instead, say, “Remember that you’re not alone and you matter to me no matter what.”
  8. Don’t say, “You never go out any more.” – Instead, say, “Let’s go out for coffee.”

If you are troubled by this article, experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide, you can call the Depression Helpline at 0800 111 757 or visit

health, depression, mind, mental health, Depressed