Melody Teh

What happens to your brain when you read poetry

Poetry can be uplifting, showcasing the beauty of the human spirit; it can also reveal the darkness of humanity. Poetry can do a lot of things, and it has long been part of our world.

It’s why researchers at the University of Exeter were interested in exploring the science behind poetry, and found that poetry does in fact have an effect on the brain. Here are three of their findings.

Poetry and music light up the brain in the same way

Researchers have found that reading poetry stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, the same as music. This part of the brain is linked to reward and emotion

Poetry stimulates the part of the brain linked to memory

Researchers at the University of Exeter got 13 volunteers to read an "extract from a heating installation manual, evocative passages from novels [and] easy and difficult sonnets, as well as their favourite poetry."

The regions of the brain linked to memory showed more activity when reading poetry than general reading.

Poetry makes us introspective  

Researchers found that reading poetry stimulates the parts of the brain linked to our resting states. These parts of the brain are active when people are resting and relaxing, and have also been linked to an introspective state of mind. 

health, mind, poetry, Poems