Danielle McCarthy

5 signs you’re addicted to social media

Feel anxious if you don't have a direct line to social media or wake at night to scroll through your timeline? Then you may be hooked on social media.

Social media is entwined in our everyday lives. Most people check and interact on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram multiple times a day, but not everyone can control their level of activity.

Resource Therapy Institute psychologist and executive director Philipa Thornton says the pathological habit can be harmful towards people's physical health, mental state and relationships.

Engaging in social media is a form of escapism, which we naturally enjoy and is fine in controlled doses, Thornton says.

"Overuse is often anxiety driven. The person might be using it to escape or avoid anxiety or the real stresses in their life, so they don't have to deal with it. It can be a sign that other parts of the person aren't doing so well."

If that's the case the root of the problem should be addressed, she says.

A person's personality type could make them more venerable to social media's pull. She explains those who have an introverted personality, high anxiety, problems with impulse control or are susceptible to loneliness are more likely to overuse social media.

"If you're anxious, lonely or stressed and don't have more effective coping mechanisms to sooth these emotions then you're more likely to form the obsession."

But, it's not your fault if you do feel hooked. Our brains actually reward us for updating our Facebook status.

"Our brains love repetition. They're wired to form habits. The more you do something, the stronger the neural pathway becomes," Thornton says.

Research has shown "the pleasure and reward centre of the brain can light up and release dopamine when people go onto social media. This part of the brain typically lights up and responds to sex and food. It's a very primal reaction," Thornton says.

The modern phenomenon is not a clinically recognised addiction, but that doesn't mean it can't have a harmful impact on people's lives.

5 signs you are addicted to social media

Thornton says if you can say yes to the following then it may be time to take a step back from social media:

  1. Losing sleep. Your normal sleeping patterns are interrupted.
  2. Tension in your relationships. If your partner or family members feel irritated or resentful towards your usage.
  3. Can't go without it for a short time. Feeling anxious or stressed if you're not connected.
  4. Missing out on real life. Failing to attend social activities or meetings.
  5. Bank balance drained. Spending more money than you're comfortable with.

Written by Laura Baker. First appeared on Stuff.co.nz

health, mind, Social, Media, addiction