Georgia Dixon

This personality trait could indicate higher intelligence

Ever find yourself talking to yourself without even realising it? We’ve all been there before, but you’ve probably noticed that some do it more than others. Fortunately for the former, this little personality quirk could in fact be a sign of higher intelligence.

According to research conducted by senior lecturer of psychology at Bangor University, Dr Paloma Mari-Beffa, people who talk to themselves while planning and organising their actions may have higher cognitive function than those who don’t.

“Talking out loud actually improves control over a task, above and beyond what is achieved by inner speech,” Dr Mari-Beffa explained. “Much of this benefit appears to come from simply hearing oneself, as auditory commands seem to be better controllers of behaviour than written ones.

So, there you have it. That mental image of a mad scientist chattering away to himself might not be so mad after all, and sportspeople giving themselves pep-talks on the court or in the arena might actually be making their chances at success greater.

Tell us in the comments below, do you talk to yourself often? Do you find it helps to organise your thoughts and plan ahead?

mind, Personality, intelligence, talking, talking to yourself