Ben Squires

Only "smart" people will find this cartoon funny

Sense of humour is a notoriously subjective topic, so you’d be forgiven for regarding the findings from this latest study in Cognitive Processing with an air of scepticism.

In an experiment on education and intelligence, researchers at the University of Vienna found people with a dark sense of humour tend to be better educated.

Their findings were based on a series of cartoons, including the below.

So, do you find this cartoon funny?

(The caption translates to: “Easy come easy go. Nothing is more difficult than holding his mice together. Old law!”)

“Black humour, often called grotesque, morbid, gallows or sick humour, is used to express the absurdity, insensitivity, paradox and cruelty of the modern world,” they wrote.

“Characters or situations are usually exaggerated far beyond the limits of normal satire or irony, potentially requiring increased cognitive efforts to get the joke.”

Did you find the cartoon funny?

Hero image credit: Twitter / Löwe Wasserburg 

health, mind, brain, funny, Cartoon, humour, Vienna