Alex O'Brien

How to stay positive in hard times

When life throws you a curveball, it’s only natural to feel down in the dumps. You might get some bad news regarding your health, have marital or family issues, or find yourself in a tricky financial situation.

Whatever the problem, before you throw yourself a pity party and start believing the negative voice in your head, consider changing your point of view.

Reframing your problems by giving them a more positive spin can make you feel much better in the long term. Here’s how to do it.

What are you grateful for?

It’s easy to focus on what we don’t have, but try to think about what you do have that makes you happy. A secure home, a caring partner, or good health are all things to be thankful for during uncertain times. Even small things such as the other driver who lets you into their lane, when written down as a gratitude list, can quickly add up and help you rebuild your positive attitude. It’s great to read back on weeks later too, for an uplifting boost.

What could you do for others?

While this may not be possible if you are just trying to get through the day, it could be an option for down the track. Spending time helping other people can give you some perspective on your own problems, and gives you a top up of good feelings. You could volunteer your time in a soup kitchen, a charity shop, or at a school – find something that suits your interests, and it might just give you a new reason to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

What have you learned?

Trying to put a positive spin on a bad time in your life can be really tough but very helpful. Have you made a new friend during your time of hardship, found out how kind your neighbours are, or realised that you are more resourceful than you thought? These are all positives that you should dwell on.

What are you saying to yourself?

If you find yourself in a negative thought pattern after the fact, this can keep you in the downward spiral that could lead to depression. Ideas such as “I deserve this” or “It’s my fault this happened” don’t do anyone any good; so when you find your thoughts going in this direction, take action. Replace the negative thought with a positive one, and keep repeating it to yourself until you believe it. For instance “I have a loving family” or “I am so lucky to be financially secure” can put you in a better frame of mind.

We can’t change the world or stop bad things from happening to us. But what we do have control over is the way that we react to things as they crop up. Having a more positive outlook can help you get through anything that life throws your way.

Have you found any successful ways to stay positive when life gets you down? We would love to hear your tips in the comments below.

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positive, happiness, Attitude, hard times, tough times