Danielle McCarthy

4 ways to silence your inner critic

I really should start exercising more. I wish my thighs weren’t so wobbly. I wish I had a bigger house like my brother.

If thoughts like this swirl around your head, you’re not alone. But this negative chatter can have a detrimental effect on your well-being.

If you’re ready to stop beating yourself up, read on to discover how our tips can help. 

1. Make a list

If the idea of a gratitude journal makes your stomach turn, why not try this instead. Simply make a list of all the good things about you. Perhaps you have nice ankles, are good with crosswords, have a new pair of shoes to wear this weekend, or maybe you have the best curry recipe to try out for your next dinner party. Making a list of positive things is a great way to drown out the voice in your head that tries to tell you that you don’t look right/feel right/do the right things.

2. Try positive self-talk

It’s so easy to drift into the negative, but this can pull us down into a bad mood that has a knock on effect for the rest of the day. The same can be said for adopting positive self-talk. After brushing your teeth, try staring in the mirror and saying something life affirming such as ‘you are very good at your job’ or ‘you have a strong body that can do anything’ – you might be surprised by how much this gives you a lift.

3. Turn the criticism into action

Instead of lamenting on the size of your behind, why not try taking steps to make a positive change. For instance you could make a list of the things you aren’t happy with and then come up with an actionable to-do list. Start walking to the shops instead of driving. Start putting $20 a week into a high interest account. This will help you shut down the inner critic, because you know you are doing something to change things for the better.

4. Talk back as a friend

Think about what you would say to a friend who was saying these negative things about themselves. If you best pal complained about their waist size, you might say something like ‘well you have grown three children in there, and they are pretty wonderful.’ Or if they were telling you that they are hopeless with keeping the house in order, you might remind them how they helped their partner with their business, or even tell them that there’s more to life than a tidy kitchen.

Have you got rid of any negative thoughts by employing these tips? We would love to hear your story in the comments.

tips, health, mind, Negative