
7 things you can do to keep your bones healthy

As we get older, our bones become more fragile and prone to breakage. Otherwise known as osteoporosis, this condition is just one of those annoying but true facts that has more to do with our biology and the natural ageing process than anything else. While we can’t stop the decline from happening, there are a number of strategies you can use to help maintain good bone health.

1. Include calcium-rich foods in your diet

Ensuring you have enough calcium in your diet is extremely important for good bone health. Up until your 50s (for women) and your 70s (for men), 1000mg a day is sufficient. This increases to 1300mg a day when you reach the aforementioned ages. Calcium is found in a number of foods including dairy products, leafy greens and fermented soy based foods like tofu. You can also take a supplement, like Caltrate, to help up your levels.

2. Enjoy some vitamin D

To absorb enough calcium, your body needs adequate levels of Vitamin D. While foods like egg yolks, oily fish and fortified cereals and breads contain base levels of this vitamin, getting your daily allocation of sunshine can also help boost vitamin D levels quickly and effectively. With the New Zealnd sun being as strong as it is, a few minutes of exposure per day in summer and a couple of hours, spread over a week, in winter, to get our Vitamin D requirement.

3. Maintain a balanced diet

A balanced diet has benefits for your entire body, including your bones. A diet heavy in protein, especially the processed variety, can deplete calcium levels. Enjoying healthy proteins alongside good fats and carbohydrates in the best way to ensure your body is getting what it needs.

3. Quit smoking

If you needed another reason to quit smoking, this is it! The more you smoke, the more likely you are to develop osteoporosis. Speak to your doctor about strategies for helping you quit the habit ASAP.

4. Reduce your salt intake

Salt is thought to speed up the body’s loss of calcium, so limiting your consumption is key. Australian adults should consume no more than 4g of salt per day. Processed and packaged foods are usually the worst offenders when it comes to salt levels so try and avoid eating them regularly and check out the nutrition labels carefully.

5. Stay active

Gentle exercise is essential for healthy bones. Weight bearing exercises are especially good for maintaining bone density so try and include walking, strength training, tennis, golf and dancing based activities in your week.

6. Watch your drinking habits

Certain drinks like tea, coffee and soft drinks can inhibit how much calcium you absorb, causing bones to weaken. Try to stick to a low to moderate intake and up your water consumption.

7. Maintain a healthy weight

Rapid weight loss won’t do your bones any favours. A healthy diet coupled with regular exercise is the best way to lose or maintain your weight and will often have the longest lasting results. 

tips, health, wellbeing, bones, Naomi Cotterill, joints