Georgia Dixon

4 common mistakes hindering your happiness

Regret isn't just reserved when something comes to an end or is over. We can feel regret at any point in life, for instance when we realise we have lost touch with an old friend or we feel that that we aren’t as happy as we’d like to be.

So what can you do in order to reduce the negative feelings and increase the good? Make these changes now, and enjoy the good vibes that come your way.

1. Be open to new relationships

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut with friendships and romantic relationships. We get comfortable with our way of life, and the idea of reaching out to new people is a little scary. Many people are also not willing to compromise, leaving them limited in terms of how open they are to meeting new people. Try to be more open to love and friendship, whether it’s accepting the offer of a meal with a new friend, or saying “yes” to a blind date.

2. Be the one to make the call

Friendships need effort from both parties to work. But if you’ve lost touch with an old friend, holding onto grudges or expecting them to make the first move isn’t going to get you back on track. Be the bigger person in the friendship and pick up the phone to make contact. Often the first few minutes will be awkward, but most likely you’ll find yourself wondering why you haven’t done it sooner. Losing touch with friends often comes to light after we lose a partner, and we realise that we have not got close friends in our life. Make changes now so that this doesn’t happen to you.

3. Keep active for mental and physical health

We are all guilty of being far too sedentary these days. But making time for exercise (even just a regular walk around the block) has so many benefits for your long-term health. Exercise improves your physical fitness but also your mental dexterity, keeping you in the lower risk group for dementia.

4. Attend your regular health check ups

As we age it’s so important to have regular health check ups. Comparing to the same time last year, you can look at things like blood analysis, blood pressure, insulin levels, and cholesterol. And don’t forget the other checks such as the prostate for men and mammograms for women. Early detection is going to make a huge difference if there are problems, so don’t bury your head in the sand and hope for the best.

Have you made any positive changes to eliminate regret from your life? We would love to hear from you in the comments.

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life, mistakes, health, happiness, regret