Ben Squires

7 mental shifts to get yourself out of a rut

If you are stuck in a mental rut you can feel frustrated that your life seems to be harder than it should be. It can feel as though the world is against you, making things more difficult with each passing day.

But did you know that you have the power within you to turn this around, simply by changing the way that you think about things?

It is your mind that determines whether you feel happy or not, and with some training you can flip the switch to give yourself a more positive outlook.

1. Think about what makes you happy

Think of the last five things that made you truly happy and note them down. Remember that what makes you happy can be completely different to someone else, as each of us is unique. See if you can see a pattern of behaviours that led to this happy outcome, and replicate them into other areas of your life. It might be getting outdoors more often, or catching up with friends regularly who make you laugh.

2. Determine what is really important to you

If you are continually feeling down after a specific event (such as visiting an old friend, or doing a task such as house maintenance), note this down. Think about ways that you can change the situation – for instance some old friendships may have run their course and it may be time to call it a day. Or perhaps the old house that you love that’s falling apart at the seams is too much work for you and so calling in a professional to help maintain it could be an option.

3. Think about how you spend your time

Being stuck in a job that you hate, or living in a town that you no longer love can be a happiness killer. By determining how you want to spend your time, you may find that your skills and time could be better used in another way. Perhaps it’s time to think about retirement or finding a new job. Maybe now is the time to think about the sea-change you’ve always dreamed about. Doing something that you’re passionate about is a sure fire way to improve your happiness levels.

4. Make connections within your relationships.

Most of us have people around us who care about our health and well-being. Yet we can end up shutting them out when we feel down in a rut, as it seems as though there is no way out. Now is the time to reach out to the people in your life, and ask for help. Being too proud won’t get you out of the downward spiral, so bite the bullet and be honest about how you are feeling.

5. Think of your problems from a new angle

It’s hard for our brains to tell the difference between the stress of a job and the stress of being chased by a lion. Perspective is what can give you the edge to shake off the bad feelings. So think about what is troubling you in another way to see whether you can turn things around. If a friend came to you and told you the same issues were happening to them, what advice would you give them? Often thinking about problems in this way can give you a new insight.

6. Think of depression as a symptom, not a life sentence.

For many of us, the idea of having depression can feel like a label that can be hard to shake off. But in fact, depression can simply be seen as a sign from the body that something is not quite right. Think of depression as a starting point for discovering what is at the heart of your mental rut. Take the time to think about what could be causing the pain and then take the steps to set things straight.

7. Notice and address defence mechanisms

Many of us have certain ways that we deal with bad feelings – turning to food, alcohol, or perhaps drugs. But when it gets to a point where we are using these vices to push feelings away that make us uncomfortable, it can become a problem. Note when you feel yourself turning to these things and think about some healthier alternatives. Could you go for a walk instead? Call an old friend for a chat? Before you let the addictions take hold, think about how you can redirect the feelings into a more positive space.

Images: Getty

health, mind, Lee Price, mental, Rut