Danielle McCarthy

5 ways to relieve anxiety without medication

Anxiety disorders affect around one in four of us, and while its duration and treatment varies from person to person, it’s safe to say everyone wants to beat it as quickly, safely and effectively as possible.

Medication may be the solution for some, but if you’d rather take a more natural approach, there are a number of steps you can take to curb your condition.

1. Get moving

It might be the last thing you feel like doing, but numerous studies have proven that physical activity is a sure-fire way to ease your anxiety. In 2010, researchers from the University of Georgia discovered that subjects who exercised on a regular basis experienced a 20 per cent decrease in their symptoms. To get the biggest improvement, experts recommend aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling and swimming.

2. Change your breathing

One of the most annoying things anxiety sufferers can hear is, “just breathe” – it’s not quite that easy. Instead, it’s all about taking back control over your breathing pattern. The 4-7-8 breathing technique has been lauded for its ability induce relaxation and even help combat insomnia. All you have to do is breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven, then exhale for a count of eight, making a “whoosh” sound as you breathe out. If that doesn’t work for you, click here to see the four breathing strategies personal trainer and movement coach Raewyn Ng recommends, including piston breathing.

3. Stay warm

There’s a good reason why you feel so relaxed lying in the bathtub or in the sun. According to experts at the University of Bristol, the feeling of warmth causes your brain to produce higher levels of serotonin, the chemical responsible for regulating mood and breathing. Another Japanese study found that anxiety sufferers reported a significant decrease in symptoms after spending some time in a sauna.

4. Eat smarter

What you eat has a much stronger impact on your mental state than you might’ve thought. Simply by choosing the right foods, you could reduce your anxiety. Omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to being great for heart health, have been proven to lessen symptoms by 20 per cent. Fish, particularly salmon, mackerel, trout and perch, are naturally rich in omega-3, as are walnuts, chia seeds and canola, soybean, vegetable and flaxseed/linseed oils. Aim for two to three 100-150g serves of fish or 20-30g of nuts, seeds and oils each week.

5. Talk to someone

Sometimes, there’s nothing better than simply venting. Chat to your doctor about seeing a therapist. They’ll be able to give you strategies to manage your anxiety, identify potential triggers and maybe even get to the root cause. It never hurts to ask for help.

anxiety, without, relieve, ways, medication