Joel Callen

Hearing loss could be harming your relationship

If you or your partner suffer from hearing loss, it could be affecting more than just your day-to-day life – it could also be deteriorating your relationship. The simple truth is that the key to a strong relationship is good communication. When that breaks communication breaks down, it can put a strain on what was once a strong bond.

Let’s take a look at why this is:

On average, people take up to 10 years to seek help for hearing loss. Combine this troubling fact with the shame some people feel in admitting their hearing isn’t what it once was, and you can have a relationship where miscommunication is bound to happen. Thirty-nine per cent of people say that miscommunications are the biggest contributor to stress in their relationship.

Even when you and your partner are aware of any hearing difficulties, arguments can still arise from one of you being misheard.

Related link: How you can help someone with hearing loss

But, believe it or not, there are some simple things you can do to help make hearing loss a non-issue in your relationship.

Setting expectations is an important part of this equation. If you and your partner take the time to understand that hearing loss can affect the time it takes to respond to even the simplest questions, you’ll be off to a great start.

Patienceis key. The few extra seconds that it can take for someone to process a statement or question can feel like a lifetime for their partner. Remember that they may be filling in the blanks between the few words they heard you say. Give them time, and don’t dismiss them if you don’t get an answer straight away.

Remember, don’t let hearing loss cause friction. Take the time to work through the problem, and you’ll be just fine.

Related links:

How hearing aids could improve your balance

5 reasons to cherish your hearing

The truth to a long-lasting relationship

health, hearing, relationship, marriage