
Why you should start meditating today (and how)

Have you always wanted to give meditation a go? Here are the reasons why you should start meditating today.

There’s a reason more and more people are looking to give it a go – it’s good for you. Research from a Carnegie Mellon University study indicated that just 25 minutes of mindfulness meditation for three consecutive days can alleviate psychological stress.

Meditation tips for beginner

If you’re looking to start your meditation journey this instant, follow these simple tips. Once you start, try to set aside time each day to practice and you’ll soon discover the benefits of regular meditation.

1. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. This is especially important for when you’re first starting out since it will be a challenge initially to quieten your mind and stay focused. This will be harder if you’re in a noisy or disruptive environment.

2. Get comfortable. Good posture makes a difference. Relax your body, get comfortable on the ground by either sitting on carpet or a cushion, and sit upright with your spine erect. Keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, your eyes closed and get ready to begin.

3. Start with the breath. Breathing is incredibly important when it comes to meditation. Taking deep breaths slows the heart rate, relaxes the muscles and focuses the mind. By focusing on your breathing, you’re less likely to get distracted by stray thoughts or outside noises.

4. Pop a smile on your dial. Did you know that smiling can make you happier instantly? Sit comfortably with a smile on your face, and your mood will instantly improve. Give it a go.

5. Stay committed. As soon as you get comfortable, close your eyes and start to focus on your breathing, thoughts are going to start trying to fill the void you’re trying to create. Let them and help them on their way, by passing through your mind, never taking your focus off your breathing. Don’t get frustrated. Stay committed and with practice, your control over your thoughts will become as easy as breathing.

6. Feel your body. If you’re finding it difficult to block out your thoughts by not consciously ‘thinking’ of something, one good technique for beginners is to take notice of your individual body parts. Put all of your attention on your toes and then move your way up your body, focusing intently on that specific part of your body. If you can do this, you’re going well.

7. Keep it short. When you’re starting out and incorporating regular meditation into your schedule, keep it to about 10 or 15 minutes initially. With each week, try and add an extra minute until you can comfortably do about 30 minutes. Meditation is just like learning any new skill, with practice, you will get better.

8. Become aware slowly. Just like in yoga, where you come to the end of your session by slowly moving each of your limbs and gently opening your eyes, do the same for the end of your meditation session. Take your time to be aware of yourself and your surroundings, revelling in simply being in the present moment.

Image: Getty

meditation, relaxing, caring, self-care, wellness