
"Rockstar bride" helps victims of car crash in wedding dress

Newlyweds Calvin and Rachel Taylor got the shock of their lives after witnessing a three-car pile up while driving home from their wedding.

Calvin is beyond thrilled with his "rockstar bride" who didn't hesitate to help as they drove past the accident.

“My rockstar of a bride gets out of the car, wedding dress and all, and rushes over to help while I called 911,” Mr Taylor wrote on Tuesday.

Rachel is a qualified nurse and jumped out of the wedding car to assist a woman the couple saw being pulled from the wreck and was bleeding badly.

Calvin said his wife calmed down the injured woman and applied first aid until authorities arrived and took over.

“Rachel held this woman and talked to her so nicely and helped her as well as the paramedics that came later. She held her for at least 15 minutes until the EMTs (emergency medical technicians) got her on a stretcher,” he wrote.

Rachel didn't seem to mind her dress being on the concrete ass he helped the victim of the car crash.  

“I am so blessed to have a wonderful wife who will always take care of people who need it, and we’re blessed that we were able to be in the right place at the right time to make a difference,” Mr Taylor continued.

“I can’t wait for a hospital to scoop her up so she can make a difference in people’s lives every day. I am so proud of my wife,” he said.

The newlyweds are now on their honeymoon, but Calvin is "still blown away" by how his wife remained calm and was able to help "in a scary situation".

Photo credits: Calvin Taylor / Facebook

car crash, marriage, wedding, bride, wedding dress