Alex O'Brien

New YouTube channel aimed at seniors gathers momentum

As the fastest-growing age group accessing the Internet, more over-60s than ever before are turning to YouTube for easy access to news, advice and entertainment. A new YouTube channel launched by the IRT Foundation, called The Good Life, has already amassed almost 600 subscribers and continues to grow among seniors.

The channel is quashing stereotypes of seniors, encouraging them to live their best life as they enter their 60s and beyond. “We saw a gap in the market and an opportunity to provide useful information to older Australians in an easy to access and watch format,” the channel’s creator Toby Dawson told Aged Care Insite.

The Good Life offers ageing Australians videos covering news, interviews, advice, cooking and lifestyle and encourages more people to get involved in their community.

Hosts of some of the channel’s episodes, Pete Gatwood and Gwen Wilson, said they were thrilled at the opportunity to challenge themselves. “I wanted to push the boundaries and do something new, and who knows where it’s going to lead,” Wilson said.

Check out The Good Life YouTube channel by clicking here.

Have you seen any videos from the channel? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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seniors, YouTube, entertainment, The Good Life