Carla La Tella

Mystery couple's unbelievable act of Christmas kindness

Image: Google Maps 

An elderly Victorian couple have performed an incredible act of kindness for 82 strangers after a difficult year in their regional community.

On Wednesday, the pair walked into a Toyworld store in Bendigo, 150km northwest of Melbourne.

Once at the store, the couple told manager Debra they wanted to change some lives.

They then paid off 82 lay-buys in full for complete strangers.

“These two beautiful people just wanted to change some people’s lives and it was their time to be able to give back,” Debra told Neil Mitchell on 3AW.

Debra said she then had the amazing job of calling the customers to tell them their lay-buys had been paid in full.

“There was a beautiful gentleman I spoke to that had twin boys who have a birthday next week and had $5 in the bank. We had goosebumps.”

Debra would not reveal how much the couple donated, but said it was incredibly generous.

She explained they both grew up with financial struggles, especially around the Christmas period.

Debra said the pair did live locally and were regular customers at the Toyworld store

act of kindness, Caring, bendigo, Christmas, Gifts