Charlotte Foster

Lisa Wilkinson struggles to hold back tears on The Project

Lisa Wilkinson was moved to tears on Sunday night's episode of The Project, following the devastating story of a woman with breast cancer. 

The story followed Karyn, a young single mother, who gave birth to her daughter Billi at seven months after being told "you're very sick" by doctors. 

After giving birth, Karyn was told her body was "lit up like a Christmas tree" with cancer. 

Due to the hormones that came with her pregnancy, Karyn's cancer spread very quickly through her body. 

She is supported by a night nanny and donated breast milk thanks to an incredible community around her. 

"It was really heavy to take on that my life won't be much longer, especially after giving birth to the love of my life, my daughter," Karyn said tearfully, also revealing Billi's father walked out on her when she told him that she was pregnant.

"I was told that 'it's very unlikely for you to fall pregnant', but I knew in myself, this is my time, I'm going to have this baby," Karyn said. 

Karyn has begun preparing for a worst case scenario with her health, as she has organised for her daughter to be taken care of by Karyn's sister and her brother-in-law, with the mum now writing messages and recording videos for Billi to see when she's older.

After Karyn's story played on The Project, Lisa was emotional as she struggled to hold back tears and her voice began to break as she shared the detail of Karyn's GoFundMe page. 

"There is a GoFundMe set up to help Karyn and Billi, and all of the money raised will go towards getting Karyn a night nanny for one year to help cover Karyn's medical costs," the host began.

"I'm so sorry," she said to her co-hosts, before composing herself and continuing on, "And to set up Billi for the future. You can find the link on our website."

Lisa also shared that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and encouraged viewers to purchase The 2022 Australian Women's Health Diary.

Co-host Hamish MacDonald offered some encouragement, telling her, "You made it through, well done, Lisa."

Image credit: Channel Ten - The Project

TV, Caring, Lisa Wilkinson, The Project, breast cancer