Courtney Allan

“It’s stressful, lonely, scary”: The Project’s Carrie Bickmore reveals struggles of motherhood

TV personality Carrie Bickmore has revealed what her “third stint of motherhood” has been like in a honest and raw column for Stellar magazine.

She posted the column to Instagram, explaining to her followers that motherhood can be “stressful, lonely, scary and incredibly challenging”.

She wrote the column for Stellar when baby Adelaide was only a few months old and things were “super tough”.

“I hope it can provide a tiny bit of comfort if you are struggling with a new bub. You are not alone,” she wrote on Instagram.

The column written by Bickmore goes in depth about the sleepless nights and crippling anxiety that comes with having a newborn baby.

She explained that the early months with her third baby Adelaide have been “one of the most challenging periods of my parenting life”.

“I realise now I had it pretty easy during the newborn phase with my other two kids,” she wrote in Stellar.

“This little poppet has needed to be held day and night for six weeks straight.”

Bickmore also goes into detail about what it was like dealing with Adelaide’s struggle with severe reflux, which led to many sleepless nights.

“Sounds like such a gentle affliction, but it’s genuinely torn us a new one,” she says.

Bickmore tries her hardest to hold onto perspective by reminding herself of other mums out there.

“I try to hold onto perspective, reminding myself there are new mums doing it tougher with really sick babies, no support networks, or twins,” Bickmore said.

“But keeping perspective with no sleep is like trying to catch a fish that’s just been shot out of a cannon.”

However, five-month-old Adelaide has recovered from reflux with the help of medication.

“I think we’re through the toughest bit,” she writes hopefully. “Tomorrow will bring new challenges, but today I feel lucky.”

She ended the piece with well wishes for other mums out there who might be struggling.

“I wish you calmer times ahead. Keep telling yourself: the nights are long, but the years are short.”

Carrie Bickmore, adelaide, baby adelaide, addy, motherhood, raising children